


 British military intelligence delivered a damning assessment of Russia’s Donbas campaign, saying Russia had lost about a third of the ground combat force deployed in February, had fallen “significantly behind schedule” and was unlikely to make rapid advances during the next 30 days.・・・
https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2022/may/15/russia-ukraine-war-latest-zelenskiy-victorious-chord-battle-ukraine-wins-eurovision-mariupol-putin-g7-biden-nato-finland-ve 05.15:09:05GMT
 Russian Bloggers ‘Shocked’ at Military’s ‘Incompetence’ in Ukraine: Report・・・
 「製鉄所に焼夷弾を使用か 温度は2千度以上「地獄が降りてきた」・・・」
 ・・・Shot after shot pounded into the Russian missile battery hidden by the lighthouse on Snake Island, a Black Sea rock 22 miles (35km) from the Ukrainian coast. The edited video, released by the Ukrainian military, showed the strike and its aftermath – all taken from a Turkish-designed Bayraktar TB2 drone.
 Until then, evidence of the TB2 – a remotely piloted killer drone with a range of up to 190 miles – had largely disappeared from the conflict. The assumption was that the two dozen or so that Ukraine had bought from Turkey had been shot down and Ankara, not wanting to upset Russia, had declined to supply more.
 Yet the battle for control of Snake Island suggested the picture had changed. A day later, another TB2 video, accompanied by the pumping music typical of these propaganda releases, showed a landing craft being destroyed; a day after that, the downing of an Mi-8 helicopter as Russian troops were disembarking.
 An aviation analyst, Amelia Smith, spotted that one of the drone videos indicated the drone had a new registration: T253 – not seen in Ukraine before. It had been spotted being tested in late March around the manufacturer’s test facility in Turkey, suggesting it was newly supplied, perhaps part of a new batch.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2022/may/15/russia-ukraine-war-latest-zelenskiy-victorious-chord-battle-ukraine-wins-eurovision-mariupol-putin-g7-biden-nato-finland-ve 05:15:08.14GMT
 Russia is furious that Finland is joining NATO but can’t do much about it・・・
 The Russian military is ensnared in heavy fighting in Ukraine, its ranks depleted by steep losses of men and equipment. Russia withdrew troops from the border with Finland to send them to Ukraine, leaving Moscow with a significantly reduced capacity to threaten Finland militarily.・・・
 北欧2国「前例ない速さで加盟」 NATO・・・事務総長・・・が見解、<それまでの間の>部隊派遣も検討・・・」
 「なぜ戦車砲内側はツルツルなのか ついに英戦車もライフル砲廃止 銃とは逆の進化の歴史・・・」
 「・・・今回の攻撃では「GPS Arta」と呼ばれるプログラムが決定的な役割を果たしたという。このプログラムは距離測定器や偵察用ドローン、スマートフォン、GPS(衛星測位システム)、北大西洋条約機構(NATO)のレーダーなどから得られた情報を総動員し、敵の位置を確認した上で周辺の野砲やミサイル、戦闘用ドローンなど各種の兵器の中で最も適切な攻撃手段を選択するものだ。タイムズは「通常は軍が目標を識別し、攻撃を開始するまで20分ほどかかるが、GPS Artaを使えばこれが1-2分で十分だ」「ターゲットさえ確認すれば、非常に迅速かつ効率的に集中砲撃を浴びせることができる」と説明した。
 GPS Artaがあれば兵器を一カ所に集める必要はなく、様々な位置に分散配備してあらゆる方向と距離から敵を攻撃できる。敵に対して一瞬で集中攻撃を加える一方、こちらの位置などは敵に把握されないため、被害も最小限に抑えられる。・・・
  開発者たちが「砲兵隊のウーバー」と呼ぶGPS Artaはウクライナのプログラマーが複数の英国企業と協力して開発したもので、2014年のロシア軍によるクリミア半島併合直後からウクライナ陸軍が使用を始めた。ウクライナ軍を支援するウクライナのNPO「カムバック・アライブ」が開発に必要な資金を調達するなど、GPS Artaには頼もしい支援も行われている。カムバック・アライブはロシアによる侵攻が始まってから仮想通貨による寄付だけで1億ドル(約130億円)以上の募金を集めた。
 GPS Artaはイーロン・マスク氏率いるスペースXの衛星インターネット・サービス「スターリンク」を活用している。・・・」





 「韓国短編映画「二つの光」 日本で公開=サムスン電子製作・・・」


 Too Much Church in the State・・・
 There is an astonishing preponderance of Catholics on the Supreme Court — six out of the nine justices, and a seventh, Neil Gorsuch, was raised as a Catholic and went to the same Jesuit boys’ high school in a Maryland suburb that Brett Kavanaugh and my nephews did, Georgetown Prep.・・・
 Last year, at Thomas Aquinas College in California, Justice Samuel Alito fretted that there was growing cultural hostility toward Christianity and Catholicism. “There is a real movement to suppress the expression of anything that opposes the secular orthodoxy,” he said. Precisely which belief or practice of his religion does he feel he has been denied?
President Biden is a Catholic who is uncomfortable with the issue of abortion despite his support for Roe. Still, when Barrett was a law professor at Notre Dame, a group she belonged to unanimously denounced the university’s decision to honor Biden even though he didn’t support the church’s position on abortion.・・・
 The explosive nature of Alito’s draft opinion on Roe has brought to the fore how radical the majority on the court is, willing to make women fit with their zealous worldview — a view most Americans reject. It has also shown how radical Republicans are; although after pushing for this result for decades, because it made a good political weapon, they are now pretending it’s no big deal. We will all have to live with the catastrophic results of their zealotry.
  America’s abortion debate has non-debatable parameters・・・


 The Black victims of the Buffalo shooting were killed by white supremacy・・・
 The 18-year-old White man suspected of gunning down Black people at a supermarket in a Black neighborhood was reportedly a believer in “replacement theory” — the notion of a vast conspiracy by Democrats and/or Jews to achieve dominance by “importing” people of color to diminish the political power of White people.・・・
 The Buffalo shooter’s views are mainstream on the right・・・


 ・・・What we know as Urdu today can be traced back to Turkish, Arabic, and Persian, all of which arrived in India through waves of trade and conquests.
 ”This common tongue was born out of the cultural hybridisation that happened in the Indian subcontinent,” historian Alok Rai says.
 ”And it acquired different names over its evolution: Hindavi, Hindustani, Hindi, Urdu or Rekhta.”・・・
 ’Urdu’ – using quotes to differentiate it from its spoken forms – was the literary style invented in the last years of the Mughal dynasty in the late 18th Century by the aristocracy that clustered around the courts in Delhi.
 This ‘Urdu’ was not seen as a Muslim language, as it is today, but had a class element – it was the tongue spoken by the elite of north India, which included Hindus as well.
 ’Hindi’, on the other hand, was the literary style that developed in the late 19-20th Century in present-day Uttar Pradesh state, drawing from the same common base “but seeking to mark a difference”.
 While ‘Urdu’ borrowed words mostly from Persian – the elite lingua franca of medieval India – ‘Hindi’ took them from Sanskrit, the language of ancient Hindu texts.
 ”So both the languages rest on a shared grammatical base,” Dr Rai explains, “but both Hindi and Urdu have also for political reasons developed myths of origin” .
 What Dr Rai says is that speakers of both communities laid claim to what was a common language but ended up dividing it out of their anxiety of maintaining a separate identity.
 ”The whole situation would be slightly farcical if it didn’t have such tragic consequences,” he says.
 The right-wing thinks Urdu belongs to Muslims whereas Hindus only speak Hindi – but that is far from the truth
 The division was strengthened under British rule, who began to identify Hindi with Hindus, and Urdu with Muslims. But the portrayal of Urdu as foreign is also not new in right-wing discourse.・・・


音楽と脳の繋がりはほかにもあり、「重低音が効いた曲を聴く人は決断力がアップし、成績が上がる ・・・ベースなどの低めの音が効いた曲は、決断を後押ししてくれる効果があります。ちなみに海外の研究によると、一番効果があったとされる楽曲はQueenの「We Will Rock You」。・・・」

