 「 国内で稼いだ金を国外で使う奇妙な現象…」
 「東京大学法学部の人気が凋落 入試は倍率低下、東大内部でも敬遠・・・
 On the outskirts of Shanghai, in a run-down neighborhood dominated by a 12-story white office tower, sits a People’s Liberation Army base for China’s growing corps of cyberwarriors.・・・
 A growing body of digital forensic evidence — confirmed by American intelligence officials who say they have tapped into the activity of the army unit for years — leaves little doubt that an overwhelming percentage of the attacks on American corporations, organizations and government agencies originate in and around the white tower.・・・
 ・・・many of these hacking groups are either run by army officers or are contractors working for commands like Unit 61398・・・
 The United States government also has cyberwarriors. Working with Israel, the United States has used malicious software called Stuxnet to disrupt Iran’s uranium enrichment program. But government officials insist they operate under strict, if classified, rules that bar using offensive weapons for nonmilitary purposes or stealing corporate data.・・・
 ・・・laojiao — a Gulag-style “re-education through labor” system・・・
 Last month, the Communist party said it would “push reform” of the labor camp system this year. And evidence also is mounting that authorities have significantly reduced the use of the camps in recent months. ・・・
 ・・・laojiao — which allows police to detain people for up to four years without trial・・・
 Government figures from 2009 put the number of labor camp inmates at 160,000. But Wang says police stopped sending new prisoners a couple of months ago except for a minority accused of certain violent offenses.
 “The total number of inmates was down to about 50,000 at the end of last year, and if the current trend continues, there will be just 20,000 left by the end of this year,”・・・
 Abolishing laojiao would be a remarkable assertion of Xi’s powers over the bloated security machine. But any effort to do so could be helped by the fact that the top official for security issues no longer sits on the Politburo Standing Committee, a change that occurred when Xi was appointed the new party boss in November.
 From defense lawyers to judges, the whole Chinese legal establishment argues that laojiao is unconstitutional. Former inmates describe the camps as hellish places of excessive forced labor, torture and humiliation.・・・
 The Communist party created laojiao in 1955 to control “counter-revolutionaries” — people whom it perceived as a threat but who could not be accused of any crime. The scope of the system was soon broadened to include anyone who fell out of favor during the party’s many political struggles.・・・
 Since 2008, in response to the economic downturn, most big European countries have cut defence spending by 10-15 per cent. The longer-term trends are even more striking. Britain’s Royal Air Force now has just a quarter of the number of combat aircraft it had in the 1970s. The Royal Navy has 19 destroyers and frigates, compared with 69 in 1977. The British army is scheduled to shrink to 82,000 soldiers, its smallest size since the Napoleonic wars. In 1990 Britain had 27 submarines (excluding those that carry ballistic missiles) and France had 17. The two countries now have seven and six respectively.
 And yet Britain and France are commonly regarded as the only two European countries that still take defence seriously. The British point out that, even after the current round of cuts, the UK will have the fourth-largest military budget in the world. Britain is also, for the moment, one of only two European nations to meet the Nato target of devoting 2 per cent of gross domestic product to defence — the other is Greece.
 America itself is preparing for a new age of military austerity. ・・・
 The US is also determined to concentrate more of its military might in the Pacific・・・to Europe and the Middle East・・・
  Last year, for the first time in centuries, Asian nations spent more on military force than European countries.・・・
 米国の軍事力のアジア・シフトについての記事だが、”afloat forward staging base”ってのは初耳だね。↓
 ・・・The Pentagon is also putting money into developing a new “afloat forward staging base” in the Pacific, which can be used for everything from counter-piracy to mine clearing to Special Operations Forces missions.・・・
 ・・・Mohammed Atta・・・[The] psychological autopsy has revealed that Atta’s struggles with social isolation, depression, guilt and shame, and hopelessness were very similar to the struggles of those who commit conventional suicide and murder-suicide.・・・
 ・・・because many of them fear the spiritual consequences of killing themselves outright, they mask their desire to die beneath a foggy veneer of heroic action.
 “The desire to acquire fame and glory through killing, and then escape the consequence, is a critical similarity between certain suicide bombers, rampage shooters, and school shooters・・・
 ・・・about 200,000 more people have left Algeria than have arrived over the past five years. ・・・
 What’s Haruki Murakami’s new novel going to be about?・・・
 ・・・ Diamond eschews footnotes, which could “deter potential readers” by increasing the book’s “length and price.”・・・
 In August of 1563・・・three Brazilian cannibals・・・were shocked by the severe inequality of French citizens, commenting on how some men “were gorged to the full with things of every sort” while others “were beggars at their doors, emaciated with hunger and poverty.” Since the Brazilians saw all human beings “as halves of one another… they found it strange that these poverty-stricken halves should suffer such injustice, and that they did not take the others by the throat or set fire to their houses.”・・・
 ・・・“It does seem like a paradox, but both happiness and depression can increase with age,” says Sutin. It is possible to swing between the two states and it is also possible that age pushes people to one extreme or another. “With age, people tend to become more emotional and experience both sadness and happiness,” she says. That could account in part for why we tend to see the elderly as sad: the sadness is both more visible and more congruent with our expectations about this stage of life.・・・
 There are a lot of reasons to be happy in older adulthood, but they may not be as visible as the losses.” When they are, however, it turns out that happiness is one of the benefits that come with age.