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 「欧州で人気沸騰中のロシア美女3人組 セレブロが日本デビュー・・・」
 ・・・The newly appointed pontiff, the Argentinian cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, will take the name of Pope Francis, after Francis of Assisi, the much-loved Italian patron saint of animals and the environment who is often portrayed with a bird, usually in his hand.・・・
 ・・・in 2000 the Argentine Catholic church itself made a public apology for its failure to take a stand against the generals.・・・
 As head of the Jesuit order from 1973 to 1979, Jorge Bergoglio — as the new pope was known until yesterday — was a member of the hierarachy during the period when the wider Catholic church backed the military government and called for their followers to be patriotic.
 Bergoglio twice refused to testify in court about his role as head of the Jesuit order. When he eventually appeared in front of a judge in 2010, he was accused by lawyers of being evasive.・・・
 His chief accuser is journalist Horacio Verbitsky, the author of a book on the church called “El Silencio” (“The Silence”), which claims that Bergoglio withdrew his order’s protection from the two priests, effectively giving the military a green light for their abduction.・・・
 ・・・According to some accounts, he was not chosen eight years ago because he begged his fellow cardinals not to continue voting for him.・・・
 ・・・Although Bergoglio is described as a moderate conservative, the Jesuits have a reputation in the modern church for rigorous and independent thought, and under Pope John Paul II they were in deep disfavour for their sympathy with liberation theology in Latin America.
 The election of a Latin American Jesuit would also have been unthinkable 30 years ago.
 The choice of Bergoglio shows a decisive shift in the church’s centre of gravity away from Europe and towards the continent where most Catholics live, and where the challenges to the church are rather different to those in Europe.
 The overwhelming problem in Latin America is the shortage of priests and the shrinkage of believers. Although 40% of the world’s Catholic population live in the continent, it can no longer be automatically assumed that a Latin American is a Catholic.
 Pentecostal Protestantism has made huge inroads, and, nowadays, secularism as well. These are problems which the church under John Paul II and Benedict XVI refused to confront head on. ・・・
 Although the church continues to grow in Africa, ・・・Catholic church attendance in the developed world has been falling steadily in the last decade.・・・
 The church’s attitude to women, its teachings on sex, and the corrosive effect of the abuse scandals are blamed by some; others claim that doctrinal drift and dull, spiritless services are responsible for the problem.・・・
 ・・・ He likes to travel by bus.・・・
 Until now he has been living in a small flat, eschewing a formal bishop’s residence.・・・
 ・・・first Latin American pope; first Jesuit pope; first Pope Francis.・・・
 Two things seemed to set him apart from contenders: his Jesuit background and his association with priests involved in liberation theology, a movement previously frowned upon by the Vatican.・・・
 But his dedication to social justice and commitment to alleviating poverty may now have counted in his favour — and much has been made of his humility and frugal lifestyle. Not only did he abjure the cardinal’s residence in the Argentinian capital for a small apartment and reject a chauffeur-driven car to travel by bus, he also told hundreds of Argentinians not to waste their money on plane tickets to Rome to see him created a cardinal by John Paul II in 2001, urging them to give it instead to the poor.
 Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires on 17 December 1936, one of five children of an Italian railway worker and his wife. He became a Jesuit priest at the age of 32, nearly a decade after losing a lung due to respiratory illness and abandoning his chemistry studies. Despite his late start, he was leading the local Jesuit community within four years, holding the top post from 1973 to 1979. In 1998 he was appointed archbishop of Buenos Aires.・・・
 He was a fierce opponent of Argentina’s decision to legalise gay marriage in 2010, arguing children need to have the right to be raised and educated by a father and a mother.・・・
 In 2009 Bergoglio made headlines when he criticised the government of Nestor Kirchner, husband of current Argentinian president Cristina Fernandez, claiming it was “immoral, illegitimate and unjust” to allow inequality to grow.
 ”Rather than preventing that, it seems they have opted for making inequalities even greater,” he said. “Human rights are not only violated by terrorism, repression or assassination, but also by unfair economic structures that creates huge inequalities,” he said at the time.・・・
 ・・・when Bergoglio was the archbishop of Buenos Aires. On 21 February 2001, Bergoglio was in Rome to be anointed cardinal. As they got ready to leave the house for priests where they were staying, Marco asked how they should travel to the Vatican.
 ”Walking, of course,” said Bergoglio.・・・
 When they arrived to the Holy See on foot, the Vatican guard was astounded.
 ”The majority of cardinals arrived with large retinues,” Marco said. “Bergoglio arrived with just myself and a couple of relatives.”
The president even joked about beating Bergoglio for pope herself. “Pity there is no popess; if not, I could compete for a post,” Fernandez said at a public event recently.・・・
 ・・・This is not a pope who will wear handmade scarlet shoes like his predecessor: as a bishop, the new pope was known to cook for himself and had a celebrated predilection for travelling around Buenos Aires on the bus. His personal style will be a sharp contrast with the notoriously hierarchical Curia. ・・・
 But he is also the man who took his own priests to task for refusing to baptise the children of unmarried parents. ・・・