



 “サンガの特徴は、いろいろなルールがあるんだけれど、 ひと口で言うと、 ビジネスをやってはいけないということなんです。お金に触ってはいけない。だから商業ができない。土を掘ってはいけないし、水をまいてもいけない。だから農業ができない。サーヴィス産業に就くこともできない。つまりビジネス(生産活動)が一切できない、非生産階級になるんです。”(橋爪大三郎・大澤真幸『ゆかいな仏教・・・』<より>)

 (注10)’The earliest donors and some of the most important patrons of the Buddha and his followers were caravan merchants and wealthy bankers. Buddhist literature contains many epithets, stories, examples, and rules related to long-distance trade. In one of the most important episodes, two merchants named Trapusa and Bhallika approached the Buddha in the seventh week after his enlightenment at Bodh Gaya and offered rice cakes and honey. After offering these gifts, Trapusa and Bhallika became the first lay disciples and received relics of the Buddha’s hair and nails, which the Buddha instructed them to enshrine in stupas in their home countries. This event establishes a pattern for the prominent role played by merchants in the patronage and transmission of Buddhism. Anathapindika, a wealthy businessman, became a lay disciple after meeting the Buddha during a business journey to Rajagriha, and subsequently invited the Buddha and his followers to spend the rainy season in a monastery, which he donated at great expense. As the foremost early donor to the Buddhist community, Anathapindika is idealized for giving away everything he had. Based on the model of extreme generosity of Anathapindika, commercial patrons were encouraged to donate liberally to the Buddhist community in order to sustain the further expansion of monastic networks.
 ”Great caravan leader” (mahasarthavaha) is a popular epithet of the Buddha in Pali and Sanskrit literature. This epithet refers to the Buddha’s role as a teacher, protector and leader of his followers during the journey from the worldly realm of the cycle of continuous rebirth to the “other shore” of enlightenment and cessation of the cycle of death and rebirth. The Buddhist teacher Nagasena explains to King Menander of Bactria that the Buddha “is like a caravan owner to men in that he brings them beyond the sandy desert of rebirths.”1 Xinru Liu observes that “Abundant experience with long-distance trade provided the inspiration for these images of the Buddha as a guide for travelers and merchants.”
 In Ancient India and Ancient China, Xinru Liu also proposes that Buddhist demand for the “seven jewels” (saptaratna) stimulated long-distance trade between northwestern South Asia, Central Asia and China. The seven jewels consisted of luxury commodities that were high in value but low in volume, such as gold, silver, crystal, lapis lazuli, carnelian, coral, and pearls. While such materials are intrinsically valuable and suitable for long-distance trade, ritual values associated with the establishment of Buddhism may have augmented their economic worth. Since Buddhist devotees sought these items as suitable donations, the nexus between long-distance trade and Buddhist monastic networks was strengthened. As the commodities forming the seven jewels became standardized and their religious value increased, Liu argues that “Buddhist values created and sustained the demand for certain commodities traded between India and China during the first to the fifth centuries AD.” The processes of expanding lucrative long-distance trade networks and the long-distance transmission of Buddhism were mutually reinforced.’
 Nagasena=音写により「那先」「那迦犀那」、または意訳され「龍軍」。「中インドのカヤンガラ村に生まれる。ミリンダ王の問い(Milinda Pañha)、または弥蘭陀王問経として知られる仏典において、アフガニスタン・インド北部を支配したインド・グリーク朝のギリシャ系の王メナンドロス<(Menander)>と問答を行ったことで知られている。この問答において、ナーガセーナは「賢者の論」をもってメナンドロスを仏教に帰依させている。」
